I would love to see a number on the layer that says what resolution I am at. It would also help me not max out my system by knowing. And can you lower the resolution back down?? I cant seem to find it in the docs.
Lastly, This program Screams for a pinch brush to easily clean up sculpt edging...
There is a res indicator of sorts - the black bounding box. When it's full of clay you can't res that layer up any more without cropping.
Every time you res up, you're quadrupling (afaik) the memory footprint of your layer so if you have a gig worth of clay in your layer and you hit res-up you're going to jump to 4 gig, then 16, then 64.
It's the kind of thing you'll get a feel for the more you use Medium. I know what res I'm working at just by the feel of the clay. I need to res up when it starts getting too runny.
It's not possible to res down right now but the devs were showing off that feature in the livestream on thursday so hopefully it should be included in the next update which is expected any time.
I think it's actually 8 times more memory per res-up, since you're increasing the resolution in three dimensions. What would be even better than a resolution level number, would be an indicator of how much memory the current layer takes, and how much it will need if you increase the resolution. It could show as a before/after set of numbers beside the resolution button.
Aye, I'm pants wi maths you're probably right. I went from 7 gig to 28 last week at one point but I forgot to account for system allocation so it might well have been
Agree, a number icon by the layer name which increases/decreases every time the layer resolution is changed would be helpful, intuitive and relatively non-intrusive. 1-2-3-4 etc.
@DreamShaper The only indicator I could think that would make sense would be %filled. 1-2-3-4 wouldn't actually mean anything in medium. It's not how it works.
@P3nT4gR4m Every time you rez up, it changes the size of the bounding box. If a layer is default (1) you are going to see one level of resolution when you use a stamp, after increasing resolution the detail is sharper. If I've increased resolution five times I know it's going to be memory intensive to work the area. Intuitively, based on experience, you know if you take a large part of your sculpt and increase resolution it's going to make heavier demands. Just knowing what detail level you are working at is useful. Not sure how it works when you merge layers, but I suspect that it's useful there as well.
Percentages would be useful as wellas would a pixel counter, ram indicator or something, although potentially more complicated to track and more space to display
@Dreamshaper The bounding box is the key. The bounding box actually is the indicator you're talking about it just isn't a number because Medium resolution is analogue. I'm guessing you're talking about when you hit the resolution button but all that does is doubles the mass you already have and it's a really rough way to get detail if you ask me.
Look at it this way, if you were to shrink one of stamps down as small as you could and still spit clay, you'd call that res level 1 and (because it uses so few voxels) you could probably bang the res button a dozen or more times before it would be maxed. So your res indicator would read 12, right? However if you scaled the stamp up as big as it can go and blasted that down, you'd still be at level one but you'd be lucky to make it to level 4 before you'd maxed out the layer. Both sculpts would be around the exact same shape, size and volume at this point but one would be l4 and the other l12. So the resolution level you're talking about wouldn't tell you anything other than a counter of how many times you'd pressed the button.
When I'm starting a new sculpt or adding a new layer, I'll almost always shrink the bounds box down by hand to whatever resolution I want to start working at, depending on the sculpt. Would that be level 1, regardless of how hires I'd made it or would it maybe be 3.459 or 6.234?
Voxel counter would be awesome! I tend to run windows task manager in the background if I'm working on something big. If in doubt I can lift the rift off and have a look at the ram graph to see how much breathing space I have but having something in medium would save me the trouble.
Ok, thanks. Good explanation. So a voxel counter or fill percentage would be more useful. Percent could be expressed in two numbers, not too bad in terms of UI real estate consumption.
Ya, I run task manager in the background too. Nice to be able to stay within one interface though, and see while you are working if you are getting into the heavy lifting zone