12-27-2021 08:09 PM
Hey! After about a day and a half of trying to get air link to work I finally got the app to work (had to change to my gaming laptop which has a compatible graphics card) but when I boot up a game such as Roblox it only shows it working on the pc’s side. Not the oculus. It shows a blank black screen and has no available interaction. I went back to the app and boom, says my graphics card isn’t compatible when I checked the site and it most definitely is. I’m getting tired of trying and I really don’t want to end up having to go wired, any helpful advice is appreciated!
one overworked dude just tryna have fun
12-27-2021 08:12 PM
Felt the need to add I run off of Windows 10 and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphics card. Bottom of the barrel but should still work.