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Cannot Start Horizon Worlds After Download

Honored Guest

I just downloaded Horizon Worlds on my Quest 2. After it finished installing on my device, I launched the app and it immediately kicked me back to the Home Screen. This behavior is replicated with the Horizon Venues app as well. I am able to launch other apps without issue, so I tried deleting, reinstalling, and rebooting the app, but this did not work either. Any ideas?


Honored Guest

Same here. Rooms won’t start and after 2 minutes sending me back to my main menu. I have reinstalled and same issue. I’m on quest 2. 


Horizon Worlds stuck in tutorial..  But Horizon Venues work great..  So i dont know why Worlds would'nt work.  The only diffrence bettween them is when you start Venues, it ask you to connect to Facebook Account but not Horizon Worlds.  269751975_631626801365898_5506153883460770774_n.jpg265586423_460976092293244_164190791781845416_n.jpg267193185_651239732727883_690281438151020486_n.jpg