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Controller Issue

Honored Guest
Sooooo beyond angry!  Spent $400 for the Oculus Quest for my 11 years big Christmas gift, played it for 15 minutes and the right controller just stopped working....basically during the demo!    Tried the batteries, tried everything!

Honored Guest
I’m not helping only commiserating. Same here. 12 year old can’t play anything because can’t find games we’ve bought or play anything (clicking on Library makes beep sound but nothing happens). I’m sorry. The company needs to have some form of help available faster than 24 hours.  I’m assuming you tried rebooting?  Didn’t help me

Honored Guest
EXACT SAME PROBLEM here. So angry. The right controller just STOPPED working in the middle of playing, and cannot pair or even turn on now. Have tried everything. Can ANYONE help??? Serious, couldn't even play for 15 minutes without it breaking???????

Honored Guest
Tried a factory reset and now the headset just says "right controller not connected"

Honored Guest
For the amount of money, you would think Facebook would have TONS of customer support waiting on Christmas Day. Disastrous.

Expert Protege
Same thing happened to me on xmas. This is a huge problem. Take out the batteries oculus sends. They leaked battery acid on the inside of our controller within an hour and it stopped working. The batteries oculus is sending with these machines is ruining the controllers. Check for white residue in the controller battery compartment if you used to batteries that came with the oculus. 

Expert Protege
Did oculus help any of you guys? Cuz I just got pissed and ordered a new controller. They wanted all kinds of pictures and receipts, I'm like just send me a new one, its faster. But this is obviously a problem that needs addressing for us paying customers