Thank God I finally returned to Oculus! I had to sell my Rift CV1 many months ago but I knew I'd upgrade.
I've got some pressing questions.
1. Can I have access to my old Rift games with the link cable? So far in Quest Home there is zero connection to my old Rift account besides avatar.
2. Can I get back my old Home? I really liked it. Do these new Quest homes get items and customization?
3. If I can get access to my old Rift CV1 games is it possible to transfer them to the Quest?
4.. Annnd, this is a bit of a technical question. Say I go on the Oculus app on my phone and buy a game.. is there any other way to transfer it other than mobile hotspot? that would be amazing. Say Bluetooth or other?
1. Using the Link cable turns your Quest into a Rift, as far as your PC is concerned. So you’ll have access to all your old purchases.
2. You’ll have your old home in Link - doesn’t seem like those homes will come to the Quest. Items and customization seem beyond the hardware.
3. The Rift store and Quest store are separate, though with some games, If you buy in one store, you get it in the other for free. There’s no ‘transfer’.
4. All Quest apps have to be downloaded on the headset directly through WiFi. Doesn’t matter if you but it on your phone or in the headset itself.
Thank you, things are becoming clearer. Not even worth asking, but have you seen any latency with using the link cable? My net is a bit slow so it won't be till today-afternoon probably before I can test mine.