Premises: 1. The back/forth movement of a rowing machine is more than 3-feet, closer to 5. 2. Rowing machines are long — 80 inches or longer. Unless you are blessed with a very large open space, setting a guardian border is near impossible. 3. Using either stationary or room guardian method, I always cross the ‘border’ and the blue grid or red warning grid appears. This is totally distracting from viewing a 360 or widescreen rowing video (of which there are some nice natural ones as well as 360 VR). Questions: 1. Can I simply not set a border or guardian boundary as I am sitting in a stationary machine that’s going nowhere? 2. Is there a way to make the border recognize and accept fix things like walls and, therefore, not light up the grid when you come close to them? 3. Can I enlarge the stationary circle more than the default 3 feet?