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Hand Guidance in VR

Honored Guest
Hi Quest users,

I hope it is ok to ask for participation in a hand guidance study here. I am a PhD student in HCI and am running a remote study on Oculus Quest. The study is about ways to guide your hands in a simple gesture imitation task and will take approximately 30 minutes.

The research from our lab is submitted to ACM conferences and made public. By participating in it you may help generate knowledge that can help create better VR experiences in the future but you’ll also receive a gift through Steam in the worth of (5 €) as a thank you for your participation.

If you are interested in participating share your email, age (if you are underage you'll need to have your guardians sign a consent form), and handedness (left/right/ambidextrous). Then I can send you the instructions, consent form, .apk to load through SideQuest and other information.

To moderators: Let me know if this post conflicts with any of the Oculus guidelines and I'll remove it.