09-22-2021 05:22 PM
So as most of you may or may not know, the PlayStation 4 controller cannot be paired to the Oculus Quest 2 within the Oculus app. I have found a fast and easy workaround which does not require a computer or any real technical skills whatsoever. You can also use this method to install the PS4/PS5 remote play app onto your Quest 2 and play with an actual PS4 controller.
First thing to do is register an Oculus developer account. They require credit card information, but you can use a prepaid credit card with zero balance to accomplish this task.
Now you want to go to the Google Play store and download Bugjaeger for Android onto your phone. Go into your phone settings and enable USB debugging mode. Plug your USB-C cable into your phone and connect it to your Oculus. You should receive a prompt in your oculus, as well as in the app asking for permissions to connect. After granting the permissions you'll now be able slide load apps from your phone.
Now download Advanced Task Manager on your phone via the Google Play store and slide load it onto your Oculus Quest 2 using Bugjaeger and launch it in your Oculus. Click around in the top left corner and look for the services tab. Now look for the settings service. Click on it and it will bring up a hidden settings menu which is not typically available to you. From this menu you can click on bluetooth settings and pair any Bluetooth device you'd like to your Oculus without any restrictions.
It's worth mentioning that you may be prompted to enable a second set of developer options within your Oculus. The developer options granted to you by creating an Oculus developer account aren't the real developer options for the device.