10-12-2021 07:38 AM
In Quest 2, the Oculus Link is no longer working.
It doesn't recognize it as VR, it just gives me a white screen like in a movie theater and then blacks out.
What can I do to fix this?
10-12-2021 01:18 PM
Hello Fumibon, what we can do to try to fix this is making sure the cable is connected properly with a working USB 3.0 port. Uninstalling the Oculus software from your PC, and then reinstalling it. After that, perform a reboot of the headset. Also, the Quest 2 does have the Air Link feature that allows you to wirelessly connect your Quest 2 to your PC using a secure Wi-Fi network. You can learn more about it in an article I have attached HERE.
If you keep having an issue with the white screen we invite you to reach out to us HERE.
11-13-2021 10:09 PM
Same problem here, with Air Link and with Cable. What gives?
11-13-2021 10:11 PM
I'll add that I've restarted device and PC several times before you mention it. I presume this affects more devices.