08-10-2019 03:26 AM
I have taken around 500 360° Photos from my trip to Thailand using my Vuze XR camera.
Now i want to view the photos using the Oculus gallery on my quest, i can access them there via my dlna server.
The Problem is that i have to manually set every Picture to 360° mode as it is initially displayed as a 2D Image.
Is there any way i can mark all my photos as 360° so the directly open in 360° mode?
Things i've tried:
Putting a tag at the end of the filename (HET_0644 Tagged - 360°.JPG, HET_0644 Tagged - 360.JPG, HET_0644 Tagged_360.JPG)
Setting the XMP Tag “ProjectionType=equirectangular” (see: https://www.facebook.com/notes/eric-cheng/editing-360-photos-injecting-metadata/10156930564975277/)
Thanks for your help
Example picture: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KoyEZb8EGC2Qm0BKtpSb2zamq7cbOsp5/view?usp=sharing
08-11-2019 05:50 AM