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Oclulus Link: No audio as long the virual audio device is not the standard output

As the title says. With the current Oclulus 13.1 app I get no audio into the headset as long the virtual audio device of the headset is not the Windows standard device for audio output.

I've tried all options in the Oculus app. The standard output with all types of mirroring. Volume is always set to 100%. Also with "use Windows settings", which worked up to the app version 12, doesn't do the job anylonger without changing the output device manually.

After some days I can add some more info: The Oculus mirroring is working in Oculus Home, but not in SteamVR. I didn't tested Apps within the Oculus App.

As a workaround I've set up a additional mirror with the Oculus virtual audio device in the SteamVR audio setting. It works, but I have some kind of crackling noises in some "close to silent" situations.

I tried something as a test to see, if the crackling noise would go away by this.

I set in SteamVR the Oculus Virtual Audio Device as primary output and my standard PC output as mirror.

Somthing unexpected happened: In this order the headset kept silent (no sound at all).

Only when I set something else as standard output and the Oculus device as mirror I get sound in the headset.

Really strange.

Honored Guest
not sure this will help, but you can try:
V13 of the Oculus Software has a stupid bug, where it is looking for an audio device called "headphones" instead of a device Id, so renaming the Oculus Virtual Audio Device to headphones solved my "no audio" problem. Which honestly stunned me, because that bug seemed so ... let's call it unnecessary.


BishopC said:

not sure this will help, but you can try:
V13 of the Oculus Software has a stupid bug, where it is looking for an audio device called "headphones" instead of a device Id, so renaming the Oculus Virtual Audio Device to headphones solved my "no audio" problem. Which honestly stunned me, because that bug seemed so ... let's call it unnecessary.

This doesn't solve the "no audio" problem. It solves the "link isn't working at all" problem. 

It is also no general problem. The "mirroring" is working as intended in the Oculus Desktop App, but not in SteamVR.