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Quest 2 - Headset Tracking Glitches & Floor level at an angle

Not applicable

I had my first Oculus Quest 2 in June 2021 and it worked just fine until September 2021 when, suddenly, whenever i was prompted to draw a guardian the environment started moving left and right then lose tracking. Even with tracking turned off, the in-VR environment keeps moving left and right. Then i tried factory reset and it worked: everything was back to normal, i played some BeatSaber like before and after a while turned off the device. When i came back and turned it on, the bug was happening again, i kept falling through the floor and flying all around. Thought i might factory reset it one more time, and so it worked again until the first power-off. I searched the forums to see if anyone else had this and found some similar problems but nothing quite the same. Then, November 2nd 2021 v34 started rolling out and i decided to see if it solved something but sadly no. In fact, the factory reset trick didn't even work anymore, now it glitches even if in the initial setup.

I must mention that the headset suffered NO physical damage, and neither did any of the controllers. What i tried:
- Factory reset

- Changed controller batteries to 1.5V

- Adjusted lighting in the play area

- Changed the play area

- Cleaned the cameras

- Turned off Guardian


Nothing worked. Then i decided to write a support ticket and the process was very quick, got a quick response but the only solution was a headset replacement and since I live in a country that  does not support Oculus delivery.. well i'm basically left with "a brick" and it's **bleep** sad. I'm still optimistic and hope it is a software issue, looking forward for future updates and hope it will SUDDENLY start working again just as it SUDDENLY broke.


Honored Guest

i have the SAME problem but me with V35