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Quest / Go Build 18.0 Release Notes

Retired Support
These features and enhancements will become available throughout the week of 06/29/2020

Universal Menu and Multi-Browser Support

  • We’ve continued iterations and updates on the redesigned universal menu that was released as an opt-in feature of v15. These include:

    • Design updates to streamline usability and improve discoverability of system apps (Store, Library, Browser, etc)
    • Combined Library and Apps into a single panel
    • The universal menu will now be accessible as an overlay from within a number of Quest apps.
  • Improved the multi-browser experience that allows you to have multiple windows open when browsing the internet in-VR.

Introducing VR tooltips

  • We’ve made it easier for you to find and learn how to use new and popular VR features. Look out for tooltips that help guide you through your journey in VR.


  • The Oculus in-VR keyboard will now utilize predictive text to make typing in-VR more efficient.


  • You’ll now be able to change the color of your Guardian Boundary. You can enable this feature by selecting Settings > Guardian > Guardian Boundary.


  • We’ve made updates to in-VR and in-app notifications. These include:

  • You can now fine-tune your in-VR notification preferences from the Settings panel. To do this, select Settings > Device > Notifications.
  • Added the ability to interact with notifications
    • Ex: Screenshot saved. Press the Oculus button to view your photos.
  • Added additional info within the notification to help you understand why you’re seeing it
    • Ex: Check out [X app], because you tried [Y app].
  • Updated notification styling.
  • Please note that these features may only be available to a percentage of users at this time.


  • You can now share in-VR content or ask a friend to join you in an app or experience in-VR via Messenger. This can be done by selecting Share > Messenger and then choosing who you’d like to share with.
  • Now, when you save a VR post on Facebook, it will show up in your notifications panel the next time you put on your headset.
    • If the post includes an app link and you already have the app installed, you’ll be able to open the app directly from the notification. If you don’t have the app installed, you can select the app link to download the app from the Oculus Store.

Voice Commands

  • Voice Commands (Beta) is now available to all US English speaking users.
    • If you have the redesigned universal menu, you can find it in Settings > Quick Actions > Voice Commands. The Voice Commands icon is located next to the Microphone icon. Otherwise, you can find it directly in your Oculus home menu.
    • You can activate Voice Commands (Beta) by clicking on the icon in the Oculus menu or enabling the controller shortcut which allows you to double press the Oculus button to activate Voice Commands (Beta).
    • You can change your Voice Commands (Beta) settings by selecting Settings > Device > Voice Commands (Beta).
  • Voice Commands (Beta) has been re-designed with sleeker visuals. It also supports a wider breadth of commands.
    • Try saying, “Take a photo” to take a screenshot while you’re in an immersive experience, “Start casting” to mirror your headset to another screen or “Turn off” to quickly shut down your headset. You can also ask, “What can I say?” to see more examples of commands available to you.

Known Issues

  • Sideloaded 2D applications may not be visible within your library and, as a result, may not be able to launch from the main menu. As a workaround, you should be able to view and launch these sideloaded 2D applications from within Oculus TV.


  • Fixed a bug that caused some first party apps to show incorrect dates below Library thumbnails.
  • Fixed a bug that caused multi-tasking browser windows to merge into a single window when the headset was restarted.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the wrong notification to be shown when a controller battery is low.
124 REPLIES 124

Not applicable
Got mine Mid June so ye im in that catagory with the Dark browser issue, No voice activation etc. Its not a show stopper but i hope it gets sorted. I wanted to get to grips with the new Menu but thats just to dark to be appreciated right now so im still using the old which i quite like anyway ..

Not applicable
Not sure about this one .. If i click explore a few times ( left hand upper screen ) the whole menu vanishes and im in the empty environment which is actually cool for exploring but i can only get the bottom menu back pressing the left Oculus button. For the life of me i cannot get the full upper menu back ?  Is this a bug in V18 also or am i missing something .. Any advice appreciated 

Lots of threads saying even the quest v18 update is borked, wait for fix
8700k @ whatever i feel like, 2070 Super, 3200mhz 32gb memory @ CL16, 1tb wd sn750, msi z370 gaming plus, pvc pipe gun

Honored Guest

tewmes said:

I noticed that after the update of the Oculus Quest towards (version 18) on June 30, 2020, the menu became too dark and the image of less good definition than before ... I hope that they will settle quickly because it ruins the use of the VR headset

Yes It's not serious ! image blurry and we can't downgrade to v 17.0

What are you doing Facebook ?

I received a response from support about contrast issue:
"We are aware that some customers are experiencing this issue, and we are working on a fix for them now. That should be implemented in the version 20 update, currently scheduled for mid-August"

Oofff... More than 4 weeks fixing a bug that breaks useability of the browser and menu and is a regression bug... I wish I could stay on 16 or 17 for that month. Pm me if someone got a v16 firmware archive to revert.

Not applicable
Funny enough i was just about to post " I doubt we will see a fix any time soon before the next update " and looks like that's confirmed then. But then it will be mid August before we know it so at least you got a definitive reply.
Just hope it doesnt break anything else in the process.

Im in the same boat as some others. The new menu is gone and no way to get it back. The option to turn it on is gone,
nvidia rtx 4090


I received a response from support about contrast issue:
"We are aware that some customers are experiencing this issue, and we are working on a fix for them now. That should be implemented in the version 20 update, currently scheduled for mid-August"

Oofff... More than 4 weeks fixing a bug that breaks useability of the browser and menu and is a regression bug... I wish I could stay on 16 or 17 for that month. Pm me if someone got a v16 firmware archive to revert.

Hard to believe that Oculus cannot provide a hotfix for this contrast issue ASAP.  This not only effects menus but also makes many YouTube vids hard to watch.  A simple addition of a brightness control on the dashboard like the Go has would probably be the best/easiest way to go imho.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers

Thank you Oculus for the ability to turn off the guardian and keep it off after a reboot.. 


qfesvr said:

Thank you Oculus for the ability to turn off the guardian and keep it off after a reboot.. 

Pretty sure you can only do this if your Quest is in Developer mode.  Also, while it's nice to be able to do this you may find that after a couple of restarts your floor level will change a lot.  Mine's done this a couple of times now.  Easy to fix, just select standing mode and redo the floor location.
i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro, Q3, w/Link and Air Link, Vive Pro1 with 2x2.0 base stations, Etsy lens mod and Index Controllers