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Quest Wont Charge Out of Box

Honored Guest
My quest arrived>>turned it on and saw a blurry oculus symbol>> download app which said to plug it in>> plugged it in wrong and failed to pair with app on phone>> pushed the usb cable in properly and saw orange light>> Again failed to pair >> Heard some kind of chime while pressing on button trying to pair>> noticed the light was now off and wouldn't turn on using button or charger>> Problem Solved on forums/Reddit/Youtube and tried various solutions including 1) Tested charging cable on phone - works fine 2) Tried holding on button for 20 secs/30sec/1 minute like various advice - nothing 3) Tried plugging it into nintendo switch - nothing 4) plugged into windows laptop and mac mini - nothing 5) Tried holding power and - volume for various lengths of time while plugged in and not plugged in - nothing 6) opened support ticket - "get back to you in two days" (WTH).

So, I'm here and I'm seriously unimpressed. My gut says to send it back to Amazon and not spend more time messing around as I appear to have exhausted every solution on the internet. But if anyone has any ideas that I haven't tried, that would be great!

Honored Guest
UPDATE: Charged it overnight and it fixed itself.

I was just going to suggest that you plug it in and leave it for a few hours... charging the Quest fully seems to remedy a lot of issues... even charging issues.  😄

and if all else fails factory reset....just sayin