11-27-2020 05:49 PM
11-28-2020 04:31 AM
12-04-2020 01:42 PM
12-07-2020 09:43 AM
12-07-2020 09:52 AM
TK_42 said:
I contacted support as well. The response I was given was: "Once the issue has been resolved, you can now see the option again on the Oculus website where you can see your registered devices and the device sharing option. We know and value the importance of family bonding using VR, thus fixing this as quickly as possible so that you can play together with your wife and children."
So here's the thing. When I go into "my devices" the option to "share" them says "To let other people share your device, open your device settings in VR." And when I attempt that in the VR settings, there is no share option anywhere.
I too am hoping that they will resolve this soon. I purchased the second head set so we could all play together, instead what I purchased was a paperweight. Not too happy!
12-10-2020 07:47 AM
12-10-2020 07:57 AM
TK_42 said:
But that's the thing, we purchased the second headset for the ability to play against and with each other. There are some games that we can, but besides the free ones, they are very few and far between.
You wouldn't happen to know when v24 is slated to come out do you? I haven't heard a solid date. I am anxiously awaiting that, because it seems this will address and fix the issues. I guess I'm just a little disappointed that these issues weren't resolved before. I mean, they already have the second version of the headset out, and it seems like they didn't even think about this issue.
01-07-2021 03:52 PM
01-07-2021 08:14 PM
03-18-2021 10:57 AM
I thought I had to login on our new headset under my facebook while my husband's is under him. We both added each other as secondary accounts and enabled the sharing. We've only tried playing with/against each other in one game so far....Dead and Buried. I had to be on my headset as him since the game was purchased by him. We both went into game as him which made there be 2 of us...confused alot of people at the time. Only one of us could chat though. I'm not sure if that was the correct way to "share" an app and I'm even wondering if I should factory reset mine and have it be under his as primary as well so then we can be ourselves in the games. Is that a better way??