10-14-2019 03:18 AM
10-15-2019 12:07 AM
We thought we should put something on here about a launch date for #doctorwhoedgeoftime - this has shifted a bit, mainly due to us trying to pack it with wonderful gameplay and environments, plus launch multi-platform. Thanks for your patience, we hope it will be worth the wait! pic.twitter.com/fBERPlu43I
— MazeTheory (@Maze_Theory) September 26, 201910-15-2019 12:12 AM
11-01-2019 06:34 AM
11-01-2019 07:08 AM
Hi, good point. It's only on Rift for the 12th November, but will be on Quest almost exactly 1 month after that.
— MazeTheory (@Maze_Theory) October 22, 2019