02-02-2021 07:56 AM
02-02-2021 10:57 AM
02-02-2021 11:14 AM
Pixel.Bandits said:
Hey Folks,
While I've been a gamer for a good few decades, and have spend a little time in VR at various events, I'm taking my first steps into VR ownership with the Quest 2. As a predominantly console gamer, I've grabbed it mostly due to the standalone nature of the platform, being able to live stream and get into the VR world without a higher end / more expensive PC on top.
I've got a couple of titles in my library already, with Baba Yaga and Onward, and I know 100% that I'll be grabbing Beat Sabre and Robo Recall asap, and Jurassic World Aftermath if possible. I'll be looking to review titles as well as they come out, but I'm mainly after your assistance with a couple of things on the "having fun" side of things:
- When the store says that a title works on Quest, does this mean that it'll work on the stand alone platform without plugging into a PC? (I'm assuming yes, but we all know assumption is the mother of all .........)
- What are your personal favourites when it comes to standalone Quest 2 titles? What do you think really shows off the Quest 2 at its best
- Wht's a title everybody else loves but you hate, and ofc why?
i7 8700, 16GB, RTX 2080 TI, Rift CV1 | i5 4690K, 16GB, GTX 1660 TI, Rift CV1 | Quest | Quest 2
02-02-2021 03:33 PM
Nunyabinez said:
To your first question the answer is yes. Works on Quest means that it is playable on the Quest unteathered.
My favorite games in order are:
Beat Saber
Elven Assassin
Arizona Sunshine (I have it on PC, but there is a Quest Version)
Red Matter (This game is a good show off game as it looks really amazing on Q2)
Phantom Covert Ops
The Vader Immortal Series
Super Hot
Walking Dead Saints & Sinners (I have it on PC, but there is a Quest Version)
Angry Birds
I'm not a big fan of Robo Recall. I might be in the minority, but I can't stand teleporting. Once I got my VR legs, I developed an iron stomach and it is terribly disorienting to me to "pop" into a new location. It might be that I'm not good at teleporting, but I would really like Robo Recall if I could free locomote until I needed to teleport.
02-02-2021 05:16 PM
02-02-2021 08:54 PM
Pixel.Bandits said:
Nunyabinez said:
To your first question the answer is yes. Works on Quest means that it is playable on the Quest unteathered.
My favorite games in order are:
Beat Saber
Elven Assassin
Arizona Sunshine (I have it on PC, but there is a Quest Version)
Red Matter (This game is a good show off game as it looks really amazing on Q2)
Phantom Covert Ops
The Vader Immortal Series
Super Hot
Walking Dead Saints & Sinners (I have it on PC, but there is a Quest Version)
Angry Birds
I'm not a big fan of Robo Recall. I might be in the minority, but I can't stand teleporting. Once I got my VR legs, I developed an iron stomach and it is terribly disorienting to me to "pop" into a new location. It might be that I'm not good at teleporting, but I would really like Robo Recall if I could free locomote until I needed to teleport.
Thanks for this. I was pretty sure that the works on quest thing did mean that but also I'm an idiot and I've been wrong before 😄 Good to know when I'm browsing ❤️
Thanks for the list of games as well! I do love robo recall, and have played a lot of it at various gaming events. I definitely get not liking teleportation but for me the ripping robots apart and throwing their dismembered robo-corpses at each other makes up for it
already checking out the vast majority of them but............... Angry Birds????
i7 8700, 16GB, RTX 2080 TI, Rift CV1 | i5 4690K, 16GB, GTX 1660 TI, Rift CV1 | Quest | Quest 2
02-03-2021 12:59 AM
CecilandJoe said:
1. Yes, if you buy the Quest version of a game it will work on the standalone headset. Some titles are cross-buy meaning they will work on Rift but not all, so be aware if you want to use other headsets.
2. Thrill of the Fight (boxing) is awesome. Has loads of hours of game play and will get you fit if you play regularly. Vader Immortal - the dojos in episode 1 and 3 are great fun if you're into lightsabers. I also really enjoyed I Expect You to Die and Please Don't Touch Anything. They are puzzle games, similar to escape rooms. Bit short but fun to play.
3. I've been disappointed with both Beat Saber and Pistol Whip. The music is not to my taste and I haven't got a pc to do any mods.
02-03-2021 01:01 AM
clouds5 said:
Just because it hasn't been mentioned: Until you Fall. Roguelike hack n slash melee combat title. It's fun to play a few rounds every once in a while, upgrade your weapons and see if you can get farther. It's also a pretty good workout.
02-03-2021 04:15 AM