New Controller Strap for "Active" Users
As shown announced in the latest fb connect.But they don't have a release date yet?whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
As shown announced in the latest fb connect.But they don't have a release date yet?whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I just recently bought the Oculus Quest 2 about 3 weeks ago and I’ve been having a problem. When I go to the store and select a game I want to buy, I go to the payment method and enter the card information and when I finish it tells me “Unable to add...
hi i brought the device less then a week ago turned on vr headset for only the second time and wont boot its getting stuck ok the 1st screen and the loops
Hello, I recently bought a second Quest 2 and a router for Airlink while traveling. Airlink is working fine, but my laptop is trying to use the Ethernet connection to the router for internet instead of the hotel WiFi. I am connected to the hotel WiFi...
The Climb - it won't do anything. I can't choose a skin color or male or female, nothing I click on does anything. So I can't even start the game. This is thru our Wifi, no computer is involved. What is supposed to happen when you start the game, I g...
juist, ik zoek dus naar hulp ;-;ik heb geprobeerd mijn wachtwoord te veranderen zodat ik mijn oculus pincode kon veranderen, de leuke truc is alleen: ik weet mijn wachtwoord EN oude pincode niet meer om dit toe te passen. ik heb gekeken naar alle mog...
I just purchased audioshield and it is a cool app, however, I am having trouble with uploading my music to the program. Can someone help me?
Bought one which didn’t work, so returned it and got another but now shows the old and new one
Bonjourj'ai revendu mon casque oculus rifts s pour acheter un oculus quest bibliothèque et telle compatible avec oculus quest 2 ?MERCI pour vos réponse
The addition of ankle motion trackers would take games to a whole new level. Especially when it comes to fitness. Imagine Supernatural where now you can track leg motion/movement as well. Or Thrill of the Fight but now it incorporates kicks to be mor...
hallo meine quest geht nicht mehr, habe die fehlermeldung:Bluetooth wird wiederholt beendet !passiert aber nichts, kann ich sie irgdendwie booten oder so ?
tengo problemas para ver netflix y peliculas de youtube automaticamente se apags el oculus que puedo hacer?
Hello, So i got this problem , Air link is working brilliantly for pretty much anything, but HL Alyx refuses to work. It just says HMD not found when using Airlink. It works fine with a cable, but i'd much rather play with air link. Did anyone encoun...
Hello everyone, I'm new to oculus development. I'm wondering if we can output the headset's position and rotation to PC in real-time? If so, how can we achieve that? One idea of mine is to write a PC app and use the VR headset as a controller. Does i...
Do the rx 570 4gb graphics card and intel i5 4th gen work well with quest 2? I am trying to get a pc and want to play blade and sorcery (not nomad) and half life alyx. Will it work well?
Hello Everyone, so I’ve got a question. I know that you can take photos now using the camera in the Quick Bar. Is it possible to set it up so when you take photos they go straight to your oculus app?
I just got a Quest 2 a few weeks ago, and for the first couple weeks, I was recieving system notifications, such as Achievements and game downloads. I even set up iPhone notifications, which worked for a bit. I would recieve pop-up notifications even...
So when I woke up today and put on my headset, I found out that my library was wiped from the headset. Like completely wiped, I checked the storage and the files on the headset and it had full storage. I was connected to the app and everything and th...
I can't connect to my pc at all, i am just ending with getting stuck in the loading screen. The connection between my pc and the quest 2 seems to be fine, and i have solid usb connection to it. But still i can't connect. Then i tried air link. Still ...
Hi,I'm not quite sure, if this is/was already an issue, but since my Quest OS updated to version 35 and my Oculus Integration is still version 34, Hand Tracking samples do not work anymore (using Unity 2021.2 with OpenXR backend). Furthermore older p...
Medal of honog (41GB). I made a 45GB game board. Paid and start install. I left the “installation” for two days and nothing happens except that one dot is believed in a circle — like to install or something. There is basically no movement.
I am having an issue trying to pair a new Quest 2 headset to the phone app. It just displays a spinner and "Looking for Headset" message. WiFi and Bluetooth both enabled. The headset is showing the 5 digit code, however the phone app never fails the ...
Originally had no issue setting up and connecting my iPhone. Then I got a new iPhone, since then I have never had a notification in VR from my phone. Seems it needs to pair to this new device possibly but it has the same account information/phone # e...
I have a new Surface Pro 8 paired with a GTX 1080 and getting great performance playing Steam games,.for example I just was playing Cyberpunk 2077 at medium settings, 1920 x 1200 resolution and getting 45-55 FPS. I'm thinking that should be enough to...
10 years ago I buyed new GT 440. GT 440 it's a old card. With 0.31 TFLOPS. Quest 2 use Adreno 650 with 1.25 TFLOPS. This is next gen. Much optimized than GT 440. I have enjoy with my GT 440 10 yeasr ago. Played in games like TES 5, Fallout 3.Why ther...
Hi, did you ever have the following Problem? I saved some Vids on my quest 2 and deleted them after a short time. They are nö longer visible in the settings/storage Menü but the disk space used Bar Shows that 43GB are still occupied by videos, althou...
v30 let you use a play area of 15x15 meters they introduced it around june and in october they reduced the playspace back to 10x10 meters in another thread you said that it might come back, but that was a couple of months ago; can you please give an ...