Oculus Quest 2 and Quest
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Forum Posts

Beatsaber is not casting

How do I contact oculsas about my purchase, I have beatsaber and it doesn't cast to my phone or Chromecast. Every time I try it says it doesn't support this function. Even though I have read in blogs that they have now fixed this bug. Can someone ple...

Volume keeps dropping to zero?!

This is frustrating. In Racket Fury, Beat Saber and the home screen, the Quest volume indicator will intermittently appear onscreen and drop to zero workout any b prompting on my part??!! Of course I'll raise the volume back up which sometimes fixes ...

Question re: Quest lens

Hi. Quick question... I often power down my Quest when not using it, and maybe I've just never paid attention, but when opening up an app or game, it seems that the display goes blank in my left lens and then reappears in both lenses when the game st...

Multiplayer & Co-Ops on Quest

So I don't understand why Quest has zero multiplayer adventure/story mode games that can be co-op?Considering the platform is supposed to be about a 'social' capability trying to find something a family or partners wan't to play together I'm at a los...

psydone by Honored Guest
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Tried Virtual Desktop, didn't work

So I recently bought my Quest and wanted to connect my pc via Virtual Desktop but every time I try to, a window pops up and says "Couldn't verify identity", "Please make sure you're connected to your Oculus account on your phone and restart the app" ...

Lum3nTV by Honored Guest
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oculus button in left controller broken?

Hi, it seems that the oculus button on my left controller has no effect when pressing it. The right one opens the menu, resets the "home" view etc. When reconnecting the left controller it reacts to the y + oculus button press though. So, is this nor...

Connecting to campus internet

Hey guys, I am currently a college student living on campus and I'm looking at buying a oculus quest soon but I am worried that I won't be able to get online since when I sign into the campus internet I have to use my student ID and password. Will th...

VR Cover

When I bought the Quest, I immidiately wanted to show it off to people. But the faceplate is horrible for sharing, in that it sucks up sweat.So I looked at PU-leather VRcover, and there was a long wait back then, it wasn't shipping until end of june,...

Deadace by Protege
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Sairento on Quest not loading

Just bought and downloaded Sairento.It is in my library and I click to open.A logo appears momentarily, then I get kicked out to the home screen.It does not put me on pause, it appears to crash every time I try to open it.

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Oculus Quest - 2nd Home - Import Stuff

I found a bunch of YouTube videos on importing stuff into your Oculus 2nd home... 1) Can we Questors have a 2nd home? 2) If we do... can we import stuff into it?3) If so... please point me to the instructions I missed....That would solve my "Look at ...

How to ship the quest including battery inside EU

Hi,I use UPS and the shipping form asks whether a lithium ion battery or a metal battery is installed. What kind of battery is installed inside the quest? Do I have to pay attention to something else when sending?Does anyone have experience?best rega...

I30R6 by Honored Guest
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Replaced Oculus Quest

I just received my new Oculus Quest that replaced one with a dead pixel. I'm trying to set it up but cannot delete the old system on the Oculus App. I went to troubleshooting and it says to remotely wipe the old Quest at secure.oculus.com/my/devices/...

Great fit if you're bald or shaved head

I have medium length hair and it's riding up at the back even with the side straps and top strap are setup properly. I pull down at the back to where it supposed to fit but because its front heavy its so annoying. I've bought studioform premium strap...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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