Oculus Quest 2 and Quest
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Forum Posts

Watch SBS 180 on Big Screen not working

I just bought an Oculus Quest 2. After some trouble I was able to get my SBS videos transfer to my headset.However nothing plays them as VR. They are titled Vegas.mp4 and hotel.mp4. I downloaded Big Screen and used their video player but it just show...

wayneout by Explorer
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Resolved! Installation Issues

So I bought Saints and Sinners for my Quest 2 last night. When I woke up this morning, it was still at the "Installing" point. I restarted the download, and my headset, and it still gets stuck. Any ways to fix this?

link cable stop working

Hi so i was playing a game then i was being silly and i was leaning back and my vr head set fell off, when i have tired to play that game again it just keeps flashing black and white, its when i click on enable the vr to connect to my pc but when i t...

RenderDoc Invalid FrameCapturer

For several months now, I've been getting an "Invalid FrameCapturer" error while running RenderDoc for Oculus. This is on a UE4 4.26 game for Quest. I've been unable to do any captures at all and it's really impacting our ability to optimise the Ques...

Play music in oculus home

Is there any way that I can import an object into my oculus home that I can place down and have it play music? I tans of ideas that I want to make, but I want to have something like a speaker that plays music inside a store I build, or in the lobby o...

MildRacc by Honored Guest
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Casting to Facebook Portal Device

This may be too obvious, but when will Oculus Quest 2 owners be able to cast to Facebook’s own Portal video devices? Maybe the two device teams - Oculus and Portal - can work together on making this a reality and better integrate the two Facebook dev...

PC Oculus software connection does not work

Hello. I got my Quest2 3 days ago, got me of course directly the link cable to it ... and since then I was already once or twice close to discreetly freak out.Problem:Install Oculus software on PC - checkStart the software - works until the request t...

Arledas by Explorer
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Ceiling Height Guardian Option

I was wondering if this could possibly be a feature in the future, maybe an advanced option. I only ask because I am 6'5 and in my apartment i can easily touch the ceiling, so playing something like sports scramble or rec room I have to actively avoi...

ImaSugu by Honored Guest
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Update v29 and multiple accounts

Please help. I can't find a single article on this. I have an Oculus Quest. My wife and daughter also have accounts but I am the admin/device owner. Version 29 came out. Of course I updated. But my wifes account is the only account that successfully ...

YipyipVR by Honored Guest
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new update

i just got a chip with a green bar on the bottom and when it completes it just sits on the oculus loading screen with the logo blinking in and out I've read about this before. everyone's says that you should just return it but i got my oculus when it...

Elite Headstrap plastic broken :(

My Elite headstrap plastic broke on the left hand side just now! I am just glad that it broke within the warranty period, and I am able to return it.Should I wait and get an improved headstrap down the line, or switch to Vive DAS with 3d printed adap...



Ciao a tutti , come posso controllare quanti mesi ho ancora di garanzia per il mio oculus quest 2?

cynerea by Honored Guest
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Beat Saber isn't working/won't start?

So i just bought a brand new Quest and one of the first games I got was Beat Saber. The Demo worked fine and it seemed like a fun game. However after buy and downloading it, the game won't start. It opens up the Beat Saber logo/title screen then its ...

Osamaru by Honored Guest
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Elite strap with battery

Hi guys im deciding if should get the elite strap with battery because i wanna extend my playtime on my oculus quest 2. Please let me know if you guys recommend this to me can’t wait to here your reply’s.

Update Broke Everything

Before the update, all was well. I could use Link Cable, Desktop streamer, whatever and it was beautiful and smooth in High Def. Now after then update no matter what I do, it's all garbage. Super lag, stuttering, graphics so pixelated that half the g...
