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quest unavailable or out of stock

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about two weeks ago i wanted to get the quest and it was in stock but i hadn't gotten paid yet and the next week when i had the money it was out of stock and now its not available. any idea as of why this is besides just saying COVID-19? and any idea when it will be in stock?

Hello, infected48

I do not think that there is an approximate stock day.
Remember, there are other retailers that sell the Oculus Quest too, and not just the official website.
It might be worth checking some of them.

Now, If you would only like to make a purchase from the oculus website, I suggest waiting a few weeks.
When I wanted to order my Oculus Rift S, it was out of stock and I couldn't even see the price of one on the oculus website.
I waited a few weeks, I think it was like 2 weeks, and then it was in stock and I made my purchase.

Also during the current pandemic, COVID-19, there is a high demand for entertaining stuff for example VR headsets, and also during the pandemic, manufacturing these devices are a bit harder since there are less people to operate the machines in factories.

Now, I may be wrong, and robots could me operating the stuff in the factories, but that is kind of unlikely.

Hope this answered your question.


Hope this answered your question.

The OP said not to say the C word!

Have you tried looking for some on Amazon or used ones on eBay?

Expert Trustee

enigma01 said:

Hope this answered your question.

The OP said not to say the C word!

The problem with that is that the pandemic is causing supply issues. For more information, try here. You'll have to download a doc to read it though. Or maybe this article is more your cup of tea. Or maybe this? By refusing to even consider the pandemic's effect, you are sticking your head in the sand.

Production rates are down, while demand is going up. That's a situation which means Oculus hardware is going out of stock almost as soon as it's back in stock. I'd imagine the same is true of Index and HTC products. And once it launches, the Reverb G2 is likely to be out of stock quickly too.
Lo, a quest! I seek the threads of my future in the seeds of the past.


Pixie40 said:

 By refusing to even consider the pandemic's effect, you are sticking your head in the sand.

I'm certainly not refusing to! It's pretty clear that the pandemic has had a huge impact on most if not all industries. 

Expert Trustee
The OP didn't want to hear anything about how the pandemic hit an already harsh supply vs demand ratio even harder.
Lo, a quest! I seek the threads of my future in the seeds of the past.

Not applicable

Pixie40 said:
try here. You'll have to download a doc to read it though. Or maybe this article is more your cup of tea. Or maybe this?

thank you this information vaguely helps

Not applicable

Have you tried looking for some on Amazon or used ones on eBay?

yes the ones there either aren't worth it or are sold for more then they are here

Expert Trustee
You think that's bad, I priced a Valve Index, used, on Amazon. New from Steam they are $900 or so. This person wanted 1800 for it. Oh, and it was "sterilized with concentrated UV light". Uhm... isn't UV light bad to be shining at the lenses?
Some of the new Indexes listed were for $2500 to $3000 Even a lot of the used ones were listed for $2000 or more.
Lo, a quest! I seek the threads of my future in the seeds of the past.