Just curious as to performance for other users out there. I recently shut-off these two options for other reasons, but after playing a bit of VR after work my VR experience compared to when the settings were on seemed a lot smoother overall. Less stutter, less HMD jumps, no more fixed-screen freeze while loading (when your HMD view freezes on a frame and the screen doesn't change regardless of HMD position).
Also to note, I only have C0/C1 states enabled for the CPU, even before switching off Speedstep/EIST.
ps. For those replying, please include you experience with the settings, especially if you have tested their effects on VR performance.
pss. I am only familiar with the Intel versions of this power-saving tech, but the question still applies to AMD's chips (I would assume they have a similar type of power-saving tech).
psss. I am semi-new to the more technical elements of computing, and so if anyone has insight as to how these settings have an effect on VR performance (or lackthereof), I am all ears. Afaik, the main difference is that with the settings on there is some lag between when a CPU core is requiring a higher voltage for processing and when it actually receives the necessary voltage to carry it out (assuming the core was in a low-power state before the instruction).