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Right Touch Controller Battery Low - has anyone found a permanent solution to this?

I mostly use the Rift S for Xplane. After I fly for a while (too often while making a landing) the screen will go black and I will see the dreaded message RTCBL. At that point, I Pause the game, pull the battery, go to Oculus Settings/beta and restart Oculus. I wait a whole minute, replace the battery, and reload Oculus. Then I get Xplane to load VR again and finish my flight  I submitted a ticket once before and did everything requested. It seemed better, but the problem continues. I have tried the little program to remove extra phantom controllers. It doesn't remove the phantom controllers, but the system feels a little better. But at least twice a day, I have to fight the RTCBL. I don't care how many phantom controllers I have, but I would certainly like to finish a flight.
And yes, I have done all the obvious stuff with batteries.
Oh, BTW, I find that many Oculus programs like Dreamdeck will frequently crash or not work correctly. Project Cars that uses Steam and no controllers seems to work fine.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Hey @Quijote1, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Have you tried enrolling in our Public Test Channel? It did have some updates to address the low battery issue. If you're still having issues, please contact support again so we can help you out. Thanks! -Rick
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Go into Task Manager-->Details--> End Task on OVRServiceLauncher and OVRServerx64 in that order.

Go into Users-->[Your main account - the one you installed Oculus to] -->Appdata-->Local-->Oculus and delete the "DeviceCache.json" file.

Restart Oculus, re-add your headset and controllers.

Public Test Channel won't get rid of Phantom controllers, it may do something to stop them from appearing but it won't help you get rid of existing Phantom controllers.


Hey @Quijote1, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. Have you tried enrolling in our Public Test Channel? It did have some updates to address the low battery issue. If you're still having issues, please contact support again so we can help you out. Thanks! -Rick

Hello Rick, Yes, I am in the PTC. I am preparing to remove all traces of Oculus from this computer and start over unless you tell me not to. Somewhere in this forum I saw instructions for going into safe mode and deleting all the hidden files. I was planning to try that - because clearly there are users of the Rift S that are just happily playing games. I just am not one of them yet. The CV1 was muuuuuucccchhh more solid.