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Forum Posts

DK1 convertion to 1440p

Hey all,So i have a DK1 and DK2 and also a 2560x1440p 60hz LCD + HDMI MPI board.Anyone got any tips to convert the DK1 to the screen. if I take it apart and manage to get it in what obstacles would I be facing, rift was doing this so technically it's...

13thFloor by Honored Guest
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DK1 - DK2 submission bug

In submission form, if i check only DK2 but NOT DK1, when i edit again DK1 and DK2 are both checked.I submit a little game entirely based on positional tracking, and it's not correct that list DK1 support.

Clodo by Protege
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How to submit a new version/revision update of an demo

Ok, so i did a demo a while back, which was received not so well (made people sea sick). So I went ahead, improved it a little, and added a tone downed baby mode that does not make you throw up, and its easier to play. So my question, how d I update ...

Categories and 'Genres'

Right now the Share submission process requires a Category and some Genres for any submitted application. However, they're pretty limited.Category options are Full GameExperienceTech demoPre-releaseOfficial modThis really doesn't have any accommodati...

jherico by Adventurer
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Last day to submit update before GDC 2015?

Hi Oculus folks,What would be the last day to submit an update, before GDC 2015? GDC Starts on Monday, March 2nd. I'll be demoing at the conference, but I'd like to have an updated version of Neon Jack up on Share, before then.Thanks!

jaba by Honored Guest
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Only .zip file? .tar.gz?

Oculus Share submission allow only .zip file.But under OS X and Linux, .tar.gz it the preferred archive format.Also, a zip archive lose file permission.Please think about supporting also .tar.gz archive format.

Clodo by Protege
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Oculus Share bug? Updating game version

I recently submitted a new version of Valiant to Oculus Share: Version 1.2.I changed some of the item descriptions and changed the version number from 1.1 to 1.2That was a few weeks ago. I noticed Share still shows version 1.1 on the Valiant page, bu...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Best things to try on a DK2?

My DK2 arrives tomorrow, just wondered what are the best things to try in it? I heard Euro Truck Simulator and a flight sim would work. I never did Hawken to work with DK1, maybe it will work now with DK2.Thanks,Matt

nnhood by Explorer
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Recommendations for watching movies on DK2?

Hi all,Sorry if this has been posted before, but I'm looking for recommendations on how to watch movies on my DK2. Not like Riftmax Theater, but more like a video player, either for movies on my PC or streaming from the web. Added bonus if there's a ...

Audio Surf W/ Video idea share

I recently was about with Audio Surf on the rift and had the idea to play the game to a music video within Virtual Desktop Application. With the audio synced to the video you get the feeling of playing like your the DJ... Quite entertaining. If the v...

DK2 Category

The DK2 compatible sort field seems like it would make much more sense as a category or tag so you could select DK2 and then sort by highest rated, etc.

Can't submit game?

I am trying to submit a game on Oculus Share and I keep getting the Message: Your submission is missing required information. Please fill out all fields with a red border. I have every box filled out! No red boarders anywhere! I went over it and re t...

Sort by DK2 compatible

Excuse me, but this needs to be fixed. "DK2 compatible" is a binary state. A game is either DK2 compatible or it's not. This is not a suitable variable to "sort by". A more appropriate function would be to filter. It would fit in the "Categories" cat...

Sharkku by Protege
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Comment system is not quite right...

I just tried posting a comment on Oculus Share and got an error: "Please enter a valid comment".I guess my comment was too long, though it was that long... people should be able to post longer comments or mini-reviews.The comment I did post had quota...

Preminger by Honored Guest
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Oculus firmware

Hi guys!i have a question..how can i update my oculus rift dk 1 firmware?i have the 0.17ty

DellasD by Honored Guest
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Need help to upgrade current PC setup for DK2

I have an older desktop setup which might need an upgrade for the DK2 (ordered day 1 12PM PDT).What should I upgrade in this desktop config other than a simple memory upgrade to 8GB?CPU: AMD Phenom II (X4 925)Motherboard: 890GPA-UD3HMemory: 2GB DDR3 ...


remember that Ghostbusters pc game that came out awhile ago? Someone should add dk2 support....That is all....

What does the rift look like to people with one eye?

just curious on the subject considering iv seen a couple youtube comments asking the same and my grandfather also only has vision in one eye. I know it won't work for a immersed 3d effect obviously but is there any difference than just looking at a n...

Login for developer forums not working in share

Not sure if this is the right forum or if I should put this in a tech issues one, but I get invalid login trying to use my developer login for the share site. If I try to create an account, of course it sees that the email already exists. Now it seem...

jbanes4j by Honored Guest
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Solution to lens scratching issue of Dev Kit 2

Like many people, I read about how easily the Dev kit 2 lenses scratch and how many people would cause microscratches in them even by cleaning them with the provided lens wipe. Because of the enclosed environment in the DK2, there is much moisture an...

collin68 by Honored Guest
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Lissajours Dancer Demo (Updated for 0.8 Runtime)

This is the latest version of Lissajours Dancer compatible with 0.8.0 Runtime. Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B14nG1JHHtlFZjRGQUtKTkNPWUkLissajours Dancer visualizes music in form of dancing Lissayours figures. (Don't use together w...

Canalupi1 by Honored Guest
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