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MADTV Habitat 2000 VR Ginger Luckey Maleficent

This is how MAD TV expects VR to help HOMELESS people in the future. (God it is funny as hell) My Uncle Butch is going to have to show this to congressman Joe on how insensitive some comedians can be relating to VR. I want to RUN to be your VR POLITICAL Representative, I have only 1 regret:


That I didn't do more to push for more political VR Reform through my channels, so vote for me guys, to represent you VR heroes, I will have Weevil Andrew Auernheimer as my VP running mate! VR FREEDOM! Paid for in VR Blood! Not VR TYRANNY that harms homeless. The Cowpunk gang won't stand for this tyranny! We have their support I am sure!

Here is Computer Chronicles in 1992 talking about VR gloves and HMD's, so much for innovation, all that seems new today is a little more pixels and polygons, somebody quick get the lawyers and ministry of TRUTH and CENSOR this video showing so much prior art!

Speaking of Censorship Tyler Cowen, Wired magazine has lost of lot of my respect, and since Padawan Palmer is a former journalism student, under tutelage of darth Schnieder, another comms/journalism graduate, I know they support freedom of the press, and expression, in a Chris hastings, Amy Goodman kind of way and would never CENSOR anyone! They will NOT STAND for this TYRANNY from WIRED on the REAL INSIDE STORY will they? They are good comms/jourmalism guys, Hunter S Thompson BRIGHT YELLOW style, they want the TRUTH! Palmer himself blessed me with reddit gold so that I may have a voice, and even as REV KYLE preached, he may not agree with what I have to say, but him and PALMER will stand up to allow me to say it, and all of us have informed debate! They are much better and kewler than WIRED who shuts me down, and won't let me voice my opinion! (so they will contact the editors of wired to get this POST of mine POSTED instead of CENSORED yes?)

Bill Wallace • 10 days ago
Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by

[–]martinlandau -1 points0 points1 point 14 minutes ago*

You seem naïve, and my respect for Wired has went way down, there aint shit to this story that is REALLY inside info, but propaganda fluff designed to show what dumb suckers the rest of you sheeple are believing LIES! LOL! Try harder dumb internet citizens who should CHASTISE wired's reporter on this article for being so stupid and not thorough.

In 2009 Palmer didn't know shit, Then he shows up in 2009, asks for what to buy, Cybereality tells him to get an IZ3D, give up on HMD's, I tell him the same, my emagin z800 is nausea inducing and makes my head hot and sweaty, and it looks like my lil padawan BB Rex is butthurt and gonna go off and just be content with the IZ3D, but I say NO, I got to help this little Jedi BB Rex, I don't want to tread on him like the Grammaton Cleric does his friend in Equilibrium!

So I give him howlett info on wide FOV research (that howlett took down very soon afterwards, making it UNFINDABLE), give him his idea for the building the HMD, selling a kit, making money, etc he listens at Tone from VRtifacts for leep on the cheap too. I offer to fund him, he agrees, his goog seach kung fu is so pathetic he begs me for the direct eric howlett wide FOV research he cannot find - and later others couldn't find because I tried to send them to those same links but Alex Howlett had took them down.

(article continues - with so much insider detail it would make the best spies at MI6 green with envy - but Alas, wired has decided you dumb sheeple need a MINISTRY OF TRUTH to filter your news and opinion pieces for you, not smart enough to do for yourself! Tim Robbins in CODE 46 had it right, burn out those memories, like Jim Carrey in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!)

Researchers have erased and reactivated memories in rats, profoundly altering the animals’ reaction to past events. The study is the first to show the ability to selectively remove a memory and predictably reactivate it by stimulating nerves in the brain at frequencies that are known to weaken and strengthen the connections between nerve cells, called synapses. (SHIT TOTAL RECALL IS HERE ARNOLD!)

Well I just want to print up a copy of that 2009 Thread at MTBS3D and have Palmer Sign it! Maybe I can run into him at E3 and my padawan will sign it for me? 😉 It would be a great piece of history and I may even decide to sell it one day and donate the proceeds to that poor girls school in Africa that Oprah supports and buy them some HMD's and 3D printers. My buddy Rob Hommel says that Oculus should do that now.

Well here is my Buddy Theo Jobst, Englishman Sax Player I just met on the train coming back from Augmented World Expo, I told him I would put him in touch with Marley Magner, BADAZZ INC. and here was this kewl ass chick with a LORAX tattoo from the train, ARIEL who told me and Theo about this kewl fair in Olympia Washington!

Strangers on a train - she is so beautiful! LOL!

Ariel opening her third eye teaching us all how to expand our consciousness with peace love and harmony!

Well Geekmaster had an awesome time at AWE, got a special demo of the Meta SPACEGLASSES and saw Steve Mann from MIT on Skype! We were riding on the bus with when that fugger broke down and got to learn all about "sword of Damocles" from the honorable Professor Feiner! Here is Kevin and Roger Nelson with Professor Feiner.

He got my old pal David Smith VIP access to the SULON CORTEX demo! U rock Geekmaster! Saved the day again like you saved Neil's azz back at GDC!

And guys, Father Knows BEST! Got to meet DAVE NELSON! No not the famous TV ONE, the much more BADAZZ DAVE NELSON that worked with Palmer in the LABS at USC, holy smokes Dave just EMINATES KEWL like an Atlantic Iceberg! He tanquereys! Dave Nelson is smooth as glass!

Martin McDonnell
Soluis Group
Glasgow | London

Just to the right of Dave Nelson is Martin McDonnell, SONS OF SCOTLAND!! Oh it was magic meeting a fellow Scotsman! He was the coolest cat in da club! Next to DAVE of course! And he could hold his liquor laddy! LOL!

Taysiders in Space, SCOTTISH STAR TREK! LOL!

Geekmaster and Kevin

Dave Nelson had so much fun hanging with Geekmaster, Kevin Williams, Jason Jerald and myself, he said he was gonna get us into the labs to see where Palmer Luckey used to work (hooray!) and show us Bolas! Yes please!

Well I just got back from seeing Maleficent, Angelina Jolie just keeps getting prettier and prettier the older she gets, like a fine wine, those USC boyz did a damn good job on that film, it made me cry, watched it twice at the seattle imax. Part hero, part villain, but always trying to protect her little padawan. Powerful story!

Listening at this song, in the imax audio system, neuroenhanced, blyss! (I had to do it twice) I am looking into that LEEP VR I lack practical 3d knowledge, I have found some good links, but I am not sure if they are the ones you were talking about. Would you mind direct linking me to them? :oops:

Expert Protege
Sometimes, when I read your thread titles, I feel like it's just another bot spammer trolling the forums.

And then after daring to look at the content, I'm still not quite sure you're real.

Honored Guest
What is real?

Pat benatar

Timothy Dalton version the best

Wuthering heights - some things just will never be.  Could only get a 1000 a day cash advance on credit card so had to steal 500 from lorax girl after mom went into hospital for missing her blood pressure medicine.  Now have lost her.  No more fun in life for the trickster.  Without fun life has no more meaning or purpose.

42 years are enough of love, hate, revenge as Emily Bronte laid to text so eloquently

> The number 42 appears frequently in the work of Lewis Carroll, and some critics have suggested that this was an influence.[13][14]
> that light refracts off water by 42 degrees to create a rainbow

Honored Guest

Even Gatsby with all he had couldn't have what he wanted most. Game over. I toast all you trolls out there. The fight is done in this one.