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Rayban meta glasses forum section?

Honored Guest

Is off topic the best place to submit feature requests and beta feedback for the Ray-Ban meta glasses?

Is it possible to add a category?

It would be great if there was a section in the meta view app for feedback and feature requests. Or possibly a link to this forum. 


Retired Support

Hey @bruhmansus123,

I don't have any info on a Ray-Ban section or meta view section getting added here but posting in the Ideas forum about it is a good way to have that seen. From what I can tell, most hardware related stuff about the Ray-Ban glasses is on the Ray-Ban website. I'd take a look at the Ray-Ban website to see if they have a community type of site.

"I Have Found That People Lie, Most Often Deceiving Themselves. Not So The Dead. The Dead Are So Very, Very Loud. And Yet, Lying Is Not In Their Nature. It Is So... Humbling, To Listen To The Dead Speak."

Honored Guest

I agree with @bruhmansus123 that a dedicated forum section is required for "Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses", if not proper "Associated Products" or "Tag" option for it must be made available for new conversation.

This is to avoid embarrassing moment like below, whenever an user wants to post something about it.
