08-11-2024 09:42 AM
I've recently encountered an issue that's essentially breaking VR for me because I can't launch or play any game at the moment. It started when I switched my Oculus Runtime to Steam's Runtime to primarily play SteamVR games. Since then, my runtimes have been somewhat broken. When I launch a game, it only opens on the PC and not inside the headset; I'm basically stuck on the "next up" screen. It definitely has something to do with the runtimes because, for example, Bonelab says:
"OpenXR loader failed to initialize. Please verify your VR Headset is connected with the correct XR Runtime."
Since then, I also can't launch ITR anymore or Onward on the Oculus app.
What I've already tried:
I'm also 99% sure it's an issue with the Meta Link App.
Thanks in advance!