11-02-2024 12:14 AM
When I’m trying publish my world in Horizon Worlds it keep saying I’m trying publish pre released assets but it came out of horizon free assets I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong can anybody tell me how to publish my world using these assets
11-03-2024 02:38 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for posting into our forum. We can see you're having problems with certain assets on Horizon worlds. So that our team can look into this further, you can submit a bug report with all the details of the problem by following the below steps:
1. Open the Horizon Worlds app.
2. Then, while holding both of the controllers, press down simultaneously the A&B buttons on the right controller and the X&Y buttons on the left controller.
3. Pressing all four buttons will start the process of the bug collection. You can submit details of the issue.
4. Once you submit the bug report our engineering team will be able to triage the issue more effectively.
Have a great day!
11-17-2024 06:10 AM
That is a fail safe, you definately have something in there you shouldn't have access to. Sometimes even Meta makes a mistake and releases things to the public and then call it back like the jukebox. Best to really go through all the items in your world and determine if someone gave you an illegal asset or you've found something that just looks different from the rest like a mislabeled trimesh object.