I am running into an issue where whenever we run OculusSetup_1.2.0_FINAL.exe it passes the compatibility test, makes it through the health and safety warning, let's us begin the downloading process to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus" and then fails towards the end of the downloading process with the following error:
Here is a list of the computer specs: The graphics card is a Quadro K5000 and has V361.91 installed.
We have tried all the basic steps you could think of, Restart the PC, run as an administrator, etc. I even tried to copy the downloaded files from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Oculus" on my PC and install it this way but it gave us the same error.
I have successfully installed V1.2 on two different machines and it has worked flawlessly each time. So I downloaded V1.2.1, noticing that V1.2 is no longer available. Again, same error.
I have searched for this issue and was not able to find anything about it in this forum so if anyone has any information that could help me get this installed that would be great!
Can you get me the install log? It should be in the same folder as the installer. Can you try disabling anti-virus or firewall before installing again?
Hey, thanks for the speedy reply. The group of people I'm working with are currently in a different state than I am giving a demo so I am waiting on them. As soon as I get the logs from them I will reply with a download link. I let them know to try the installation again with the firewall/antivirus disabled.
We had this callstack on one of our machines, the solution (which was posted in another thread that I can't find atm) was
Open regedit.exe And select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node Right Click and select Permissions. Allow to Full Control privilege to current user for installation.