I'm trying to convert my project to use the latest SDK, I've had it working with an older version(0.5). I have attached what I am getting on screen if I just try to show a clear white background, does anyone know what could be causing this?
I've tried to extract the right code from the 'OcculusRoomTiny ' example project, but the inter-dependencies make it difficult to work with. Has anyone got a more minimal opengl example for 0.7 or 0.8?
The OcculusRoomTiny project works fine so there is nothing wrong with the hardware/configuration.
Hi I'm also looking for a 0.7 minimal example. I'm new at oculus programming and I'm trying to do the same program you do. Is possible to have a look on your code? Here or in pm, or i can give you my email
Hi, Here is a very-simple example using the Oculus like a simple 3D screen (no tracking). But it uses the 0.8 SDK. It also uses a 3D camera (ZED) however it's easy to remove this part. https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-oculus
I used it for my own project but I don't know if their example is a good implementation of the Rift SDK.