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How to disable the health and safety warning for development purposes in 1.3?

Is there a registry hack or similar since the option is no longer available in the settings panel it seems?

Rising Star
I would be surprised if Oculus developers eat their own dog food, so I bet there is some unofficial way to turn this off.

anyone found a way yet?

Honored Guest
I'm just getting pissed because of that screen! How a hell am I supposed to implement something when most of the time I'm staring at the damn LookAtBox! Please add an option to get rid of this f*** health screen. It can be aregistry hack or whatever but pleeeeese DO it!

Expert Protege
+1 for an option to disable! This is coming up every time I run a build. I'd really like to see this built into OculusDebugTool as opposed to a registry hack.

Grand Champion
It should not come up every build. I believe it's on a timer (maybe 30 minutes) so if you are quickly building and testing things you should not see it every time. Unless you are on DK2, then I think it may be more frequent. Can I ask what headset you are using and which engine?

Heroic Explorer

Even if it once a day (or reboot), it is still an annoyance, for me as an user, but it scale to frustration for devs !

Honored Guest
Hope they can come up with an update on this as soon as possible.

I have a DK2 and it comes up *every time*. It makes testing during development a huge pain in the ass.

Comes up every time on a DKII.  Absolutely tedious for development as is Oculus Home running Unity and taking up the machines resources when we just want to be running our game and the HMD driver.

Not applicable

We test both DK2 and CV1 for serious work - molecular structures visualisation related for pharmaceutical R&D. Unfortunately the Oculus Home forced visualisation + Health and Safety warning makes professional use of Rift almost impossible ... To be honest we are starting to test HMD products form other manufactures purely from this reason (otherwise the HW is good, the changes introduced in 1.0.0 SDK are bad). We are even open to pay more for some professional HMD model, but without this Oculus Home and Safety Warning childish obstructions .... It is a bit pity we were lured by pre 1.0.0 SDK to focus on Rift and hoping no drastic changes will be introduced . We have lost a lot of time in this way ...