10-05-2015 06:53 PM
10-05-2015 09:08 PM
10-08-2015 04:04 AM
10-09-2015 10:04 PM
10-11-2015 04:37 PM
10-22-2015 03:44 PM
02-01-2016 08:35 AM
"Basementscientist" wrote:
I try compiling the code on Visual Studio Community 2015, and receive the following error. Windows 10.
Oculus SDK.
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol __vswprintf_c_l referenced in function _swprintf OculusHello_0_7 C:\Users\basem\OneDrive\Oculus\Programming\OculusHello_0_7\OculusHello_0_7\LibOVR.lib(OVR_CAPIShim.obj) 1
I've tried googling the error without success. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong.
02-03-2016 09:30 AM
04-22-2016 03:39 PM