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Setting IPD in code ?

Honored Guest
Hi there,

Found nothing about this on the forum, so excuse me if this question has already been answered.

For my custom needs, I cannot rely on the users management provided by the OVR config tool, and I have to override this behavior, so that I can set the IPD from somewhere else (by code, either directly from my Unity application, or from another application).

Is there any proper way to do this ? (by setting up a registry key, or modifying a config file before running my VR application ?)

Roland Tomczak

Oculus Staff
You should be able to update the user profile's IPD in the current process by calling
OVRManager.capiHmd.SetFloat(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_KEY_IPD, newIpd);

Honored Guest
So easy.. thank you 🙂

Honored Guest
Hum.. I must have missed something !
But the somewhat simple sequence

float newIpd = 0.068f;
OVRManager.capiHmd.SetFloat(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_KEY_IPD, newIpd);
var refFloat = OVRManager.capiHmd.GetFloat(Ovr.Hmd.OVR_KEY_IPD, DEFAULT_IPD);

doesn't returns my custom IPD, but the one being registered in the Oculus config profil.

So, I cannot be really sure that the custom IPD is taken in account. Am I missing something ? I tried to set up this snippet at different places (before the OVR prefab is instantiated, before the Menu component is instantiated, OnUpdate, etc..), it doesn't seem to have any impact.

Thank you !


Oculus Staff
Sorry, it turns out OVR_KEY_IPD is read-only. So you will have to restart the app with a different user profile to change it. So OVRCameraRig doesn't support custom IPDs. You can write your own camera behavior and add a handler to the OVRCameraRig.UpdatedAnchors event to override ours.