We have a collection of 360* panoramas created by Howard Goldbaum, a professor at the Reynolds School of Journalism at the University of Nevada, Reno. We are on a mission to transform the images into a virtual reality experiences for Oculus users and students. So far we had luck in developing individual panoramas to work with the VR headset (DK2.)
We need help in creation of hotspots that will allow the user a transition from one equirectangular image to another, by looking at a target for few seconds.
Typically people are using game engines like Unity or Unreal to work with the Rift. For example, you could create a skybox or sphere and then map the 360 image onto that. Also, love the flat mill, great graffiti.
Also, please do not post the same message in multiple forums. I'm deleting the other ones. Thanks.
@AlexandraG - I also use Pano2VR for making tours and I am looking for a way to interface virtual tours with Gear VR. I have found that the free StreetViewVR app on the Oculus store will allow for viewing of Google Street View tours such as this one https://goo.gl/maps/yN7aa9AGbT92 but they are limited to inside shoots right now with each view having to be in the line of sight of the other. You also have to be enrolled in the Google Trusted Photographer program to upload these tours. Please do update this if you have found another way.... Thanks - Nick
@cybereality - Thanks for the tip on Unity. I will definitely look into making a VR tour with that platform. Once made, how would we go about viewing and sharing it with other Oculus users ? Thanks Nick