Third : A ready device input for controlling mouvement by binding keyboard
Fourth : A wiimote configured with glovepie for the weapon for pc version.
The space navigator is working fine in fps game i have tested and can configure sensitivity and how much i must press to detect the bind. Now i will configure my wiimote to work on my pc for aiming and after this i will work on the seat design to be able to put the spacenavigator under the seat and build a box to receive the space navigator. The seat need to have same movement as the SN (spacenav) but with restriction to avoid of breaking the device. So the first version of the seat is a standing seat, you are not sitting you are standing but you have a saddle for controlling movement. By pushing my hips forward : i walk, by pushing forward and pushing down the seat (the bind is forward ("w") + hold run key ( "ctrl" in bf4) i run, by stopping pushing down i walk again because Spacenav detect a upward move and it is binded to release "ctrl" key. The seat can turn 360 °, but for playing in front of a screen i will block it to avoid 360 ° i will make the seat (not the axe of the seat ) be able to turn 2°. So a small rotation left is binded to the key left arrow right for right. ( not strafe)
Second phase of the project consit of crouch and prone. Crouching will be a sitting position like when you are sitting on a chair, so chair can slide down and he return up with the force of a gas spring. I have thinking about a prone posistion....... I have tryed to prone on the floor and simulate to aiming with a wiimote gun. It is not a verry comfortable position to play, so i realise that we can stay in the crouch position ( sitting) and have a tablet in front of us to be able to prone see image below. But not sitting like him, the leg must be back and the table a little more forward. To move in this position, i will put a second space navigator under the tablet. To detect crouche and prone position i will use maybe a kinect.
quick sketch concept made in paint sorry for the bad quality.
but it should have no weight power because if person is moving forward then it should be on top from back and person should be on ground ? how to still the person on stable state ?