I am currently using SDK 1.3.2 to develop desktop apps in OpenGL. I would like to implement MSAA, because my renders are looking pretty chunky. In the old days we used to make our own eye FBO's and link them up, nowadays the SDK is doing it all that internally, when you call "ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL" you pass it a description:
typedef struct ovrTextureSwapChainDesc_
ovrTextureType Type;
ovrTextureFormat Format;
int ArraySize; ///< Only supported with ovrTexture_2D. Not supported on PC at this time.
int Width;
int Height;
int MipLevels;
int SampleCount; ///< Current only supported on depth textures
ovrBool StaticImage; ///< Not buffered in a chain. For images that don't change
unsigned int MiscFlags; ///< ovrTextureFlags
unsigned int BindFlags; ///< ovrTextureBindFlags. Not used for GL.
} ovrTextureSwapChainDesc;
The description clearly states that "SampleCount; ///< Current only supported on depth textures" So does this mean you cannot use MSAA for color eye render targets? When I tried anything other than 1 I get the error "Failed to create texture." Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Sorry that ""Failed to create texture." error is not coming from the oculus SDK, it is our wrapper, but it does fail when ovr_CreateTextureSwapChainGL is called