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Issue with version 1.27 and SDK v1.26

Our systems auto-updated to version 1.27 last night. Calls to ovr_GetInputState() now produce values for m_inputState.IndexTrigger[0] that are always 0 no matter how the trigger is positioned. We're using version 1.26 for the SDK (I haven't seen a newer version). Has anyone else seen this problem?



Honored Guest
Hi Bruce, 
the same problem here. I can't read the buttons anymore. The only thing that still works is "inputState.Touches". It shows what button is touched, but is super sensitive to touch.  

Luckily, we had a computer that had not auto-upgraded. We copied the Oculus program files folders from that machine (1.26) to a machine that had auto-upgraded to 1.27 and the latter machine worked again. We had a critical demo to pull off and that was our work-around.

Please post if it does resolve the problem. I'm not well-versed in Oculus development and I'd appreciate knowing if this problem's been solved. Thanks.


Others who have been developing for Oculus devices- has this been a common occurrence in the past? Automated updates breaking your production environment? Definitely makes me hesitant to continue supporting this platform if it isn't going to be reliable. 

Big time, we've had several important demo's derailed because of a last minute update forced on us.
When things work it's great but the uncertainty of when an update hits and what it might break is a big problem

Retired Support
Hello everyone,

Our engineers are aware of the problem and are currently looking into a solution.

In the meantime, a workround is to press the Oculus button to enter the Universal Menu, then press it again to return to the game. The buttons should work then.

Just thought I'd join in, the same issue has stopped my AutoOculusTouch project from working. It uses ovrInit_Invisible as it's intended to run without the headset worn at all. But all button and trigger values are zero unless rendering is performed and the headset is being worn. Wearing (or triggering the sensor) without rendering or rendering without wearing both result in input stopping (tracking continues to work though).

Honored Guest
I work with Bruce who initiated this thread.  We have just built two new rigs with fresh software installs.  I attempted the workaround posted by NinjaGaijin, without success.  I have copied the non-updated Program Files/Oculus directory from a working system, and turned off automatic updates, but this solution will not work with our customers.  Please @NinjaGaijin, this has been an issue since June 19. 

Not applicable
Any news on a fix for this problem?

Not applicable

I am running SDK V1.29 and that problem is still there.

My application has 2 VR modes, when I switch modes, I first get out of VR and get back in with a new ovr_Initialize and a new session (ovr_Create).  To get the ovr_GetInputState to work again in the new session, just having the headset on is not enough. You then need to remove the headset and put it back on again!  This make for awkward demos when I want to show both modes to a client...

The Oculus button work around does work, but after all, it is a work around...  A real solution would be better.