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Oculus Rift S Black Screen on Initial Setup

Honored Guest
My Oculus arrived yesterday and while I was going through the set up process I cannot get past the "Continue Set up in VR" Screen shows nothing in the headset just darkness but the sound works fine.

When I skipped the process and tried to play a game anyway I was able to see some of the games on my computer screen but still nothing in my headset

Headset displays White light in within the headset and blue light on the exterior

The devices all say Connected and Active

I already done the following task:

- Repair Oculus setup

- Update Nvidia Driver

- Disable USB power management standby in USB 3 root in device manager

- Update Oculus driver

- Remove headmask and reconnect the cable after 5 seconds.

- Change usb 3.0 port and DP port.

-I Tried to update the windows driver to 1903 (Not Compatible)

- I made sure the cables are in the proper placements and tried different 3.0 USB ports and unplugged them all before plugging the Rift back in

I still always have black screen in my headset and i can' t do the setup.

Please someone help me I really wanna try this thing out

My computer Specs:

CYBERPOWER PC Inter Core i5-9400F 2.9 GHZ, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6GB, 8GB DDR4 240GB, 1 TB HDD, WIFI Ready


Honored Guest
i try to connect headset into USB and it say only "USB is not compatible" and black too. i use PCIe USB 3.0