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[REQUEST] Option to not open the desktop application on startup or game engine startup

Honored Guest
Hello, I wanted to suggest adding a feature in the setting of the PC desktop application to turn off auto startup when opening a game engine or anything relating to it. This can be off by default and be switched on if need be. This would help immensely whenever I open up UE4(Unreal Engine 4), the application opens even when I'm not working on a project that is using VR and I have to close the application every time, I don't see any negative to having this as an option since ITS OPTIONAL and saying to just ignore the app does not help improve the user experience in general. I don't know if anybody else has found this as a negative but if you have please voice your support for this forum so this might be added as a future update.

Honored Guest
Hello, I just wanted to ask about any progress on this and add a possible solution (these would be for windows mind you, because I'm fairly certain the largest population of VR users in general are using windows as their main operating system if I'm wrong then I apologize) which would be opening the desktop application in the background or having it minimize to the system tray so we could have it running in the background without taking up much work-space where we could open the app's desktop menu by selecting the application or selecting the icon in the system tray