03-31-2017 01:03 AM
03-31-2017 01:09 PM
03-31-2017 01:29 PM
03-31-2017 01:33 PM
delphinius81 said:
VR.WaitForGPU basically means that your frames are taking too long to render. To maintain 90fps, you need to be < or about equal to 12ms per frame (1000ms/s / 90 frames/s = 11.11111). Both your CPU and GPU values are above that. So VR.WaitForGPU is not killing performance - that function is actually the CPU saying that it needs to wait some amount of time for rendering to finish before it can send new data to the GPU. If you want to address this, you need to look at how much you are trying to render each frame and reduce/optimize where possible.
03-31-2017 01:33 PM
03-31-2017 01:38 PM
03-31-2017 02:01 PM
delphinius81 said:
When the headset is active, frame-rate is being locked/synched to 90fps, even if your cpu/gpu could push further. It's a similar principle to having v-sync enabled on a monitor.
09-06-2017 05:47 AM
10-10-2017 04:13 AM
10-25-2017 04:31 PM
And why are builds so much faster as well (~40% increase) ?
RaveTZ said:
Then why is it still there in an empty scene with nothing to render at all?