I'm interested in visualising medical image data with my Rift, but unsure of the best way to do this. Ideally, I would like to be able to rotate, translate and zoom with the game pad or touch controllers, or otherwise just watch a pre-recorded fly-through as a demo.
The first thought I had was that some of the software I use (in particular Amira on Windows 10) has support for 3D visualisation, such as raw stereo (OpenGL) and split screen horizontal/vertical. Could any of these be easily hacked to be sent to the Rift? For example if the scene for each eye was rendered on a separate area of the screen, could this be captured and used by the Rift? I've had a quick look through the SDK, but couldn't find any quick solutions...
Otherwise, are there any apps that will take 3D data (some sort of surface file perhaps?) and allow you to interact with it?
You should probably look into Unity its free and relatively easy to understand. They also have a number of tutorials to get you started. I'm not aware of Amira, but if it can export 3D models you will be able to get them into unity easily enough
You should probably look into Unity its free and relatively easy to understand. They also have a number of tutorials to get you started. I'm not aware of Amira, but if it can export 3D models you will be able to get them into unity easily enough