Hi I'm Himi, I've been brainstorming possible ideas that are possible to accomplish in a business sense using Occulus rift. I currently Work at Microsoft Technology Center trying to gain knowledge on the possibilities so feel free to inform or suggest ideas about anything occulus that doesn't involve gaming. Business virtualization
Couple Ideas I had already: -Retail (helping shoppers) -Interior design -Flight simulations
Hi, I'm sure that Education is a perfect match for VR, in fact It should be a great tool for education!
- Machine/ instrumental / simulations (flying, driving, operating heavy machinery or industrial consoles...) - 3D model visualization for medicine, arquitechture, geology, astronomy... - Historical recreations, etc.
From the business perspective, appart from selling directly to the involved companies, there are some countries with public help (I mean money) for social and R&D projects.