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Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

Rift V2 - Update for V1 owners

If Oculus were to launch an updated version of the Rift prior to consumer launch. Will the owners of V1 be able to send their kits back to be updated with higher resolution screen and any other updates that may arrise? Or will we need to buy that kit...

MaxDec10 by Honored Guest
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ChromAbParam for Oculus Rift

Hi,I don't have the Rift yet, but I have been looking into the SDK 0.2.1. I was trying to find out what the values for ChromAbParam are. Without the Rift attached it is 1, 0, 1, 0 which just means that no changes regarding chromatic abberation will h...

elchtest by Honored Guest
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Problems building the SDK Xcode project samples

When I try to build this project, neither the OculusWorldDemo.app nor the SensorBoxTest.app get built and I havn't been able to figure out why that is.Has anyone else encountered this problem? I'm using the latest Xcode (4.6.2) on the latest Mountain...

mihalski by Honored Guest
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Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programming

Free online book: Learning Modern 3D Graphics Programminghttp://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/This book is intended to teach you how to be a graphics programmer. It is not aimed at any particular graphics field; it is designed to cover most of the basic...

Universal driver for games

What do you think about build an universal driver for games where it is available the 3d stereoscopic view?The idea is to map input data from the oculus to mapped key to change position and/or orientation?This will let to use also old games  What do...

denis by Explorer
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Stereo camera format

Assuming that the commercial version has the front cameras, or alternatively that someone makes them as an aftermarket accessory, it would probably be one side-by-side stream, right? I want to get started on my AR application but I don't want to have...

Idea: A Ride

What I would like to see on the Rift is the idea of a ride. I want a virtual trip to a 'disneyland'. A way that anyone could put on the Rift and be swept away in the immersion and spectacle regardless of age or skill. Im thinking 'The Haunted Mansion...

Popko by Honored Guest
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Hydra in TF2 or other FPS tested yet?

It seems to me like using the right hand Hydra controller as your gun might be pretty cool with the Rift. I might even make an attachment for that stick that makes it feel more like a gun and trigger. The left hand would be used like a console contro...

MessageHandler and message order

Did you guys play around with the MessageHandler yet, maybe have implemented your own?My understanding so far is, that with a MessageHandler, one is able to intercept events such as the device being added and / or removed from the system.I'm curious ...

About the LEAP Motion controller

Hi I was wondering if anyone out there could answer this question. The LEAP Motion sensor has a range of 8 cubic feet. If you were to strap it around your chest, could you use it to track both of your arms and hands? I just watched the video that pla...

KingK76 by Protege
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I just came across this "old" technology which should provide (virtual) force feedback.Does anyone know if it could really deliver "senses such as "push, draw and buoyancy.""?http://techon.nikkeibp.co.jp/english/NEWS_EN/20050413/103707/?ST=englishhtt...

martinP by Explorer
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RAZER HYDRAS for $40!!!!

Guys!! woot.com is selling Hydras for $40 for the next three days, or until they sell out! Order yours now!!!!http://www.woot.com/offers/hydra-pc-gaming-controllers-2

Rayoque by Honored Guest
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No HDMI or DVI input

Ok I'm no expert when it comes to HDMI or DVI, but I do know I don't have either of these inputs on my laptop, I'm using an Alienware M15x which has 3usb ports, VGA and a E SATA port, now I haven't purchased a oculus yet due to not knowing if it will...

Source Engine: How to integrate Rift Support?

Hi everyone,as Valve has successfully integrated Rift support für Team Fortress 2, I wonder if this feature will be integrated into the Source SDK? Dear Esther would be THE perfect showcase for VR in my option and Rift support should be easy to integ...

spyro by Expert Protege
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Would it be more convenient to put build the SDK into a DLL for windows based programming that can be called from programs rather than, integrating the SDK into every single Software title.The SDK is a great way to get games modified, and I am glad w...

Got the Razer Hydra. What am I doing wrong?

So my Hydra came today and I can't get any demos to work. With the Tron FPS game I get the left hand to move very well, but as soon as I press start on the right controller the camera goes wild. It uses the right controller like a mouse, but with ins...

mdk by Honored Guest
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Idea: Ender's Game Battle School

Hey all,Was just re-reading Ender's Game last night, and it occurred to me that the null-G room in battle school could be a fun multi-player game on the rift. I've no plans to develop it - don't have the time or skills - but thought I'd mention it in...

kingtut by Honored Guest
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Mirroring the game output.

Anyone come up yet with a creative solution as how to output a regular rectilinear game render to the monitor while mirroring the same (distortion corrected) output to the Rift? For now everyone seems happy with the distorted image mirrored on the mo...

Marbas by Honored Guest
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Hydra Calibration

Hi all, Just interested in you guys' experience with implementing the Hydra to work alongside your Rift and how you are currently handling the calibration when you can only see the virtual world.Currently I have an initial calibration of arms stretch...

Blueshock by Honored Guest
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Please excuse me if this has been posted before.Posted over on the UDK forums was a thread about Mocapgames. Didn't think to check it at the time, but now that I have, I recognised the 'Mocapsuit' they have going there, back when it was eMove (or som...

DVI Splitters

Joe Ludwig mentioned Valve was using these splitters. They seem a tad expensive. Does anybody know the current trade-offs associated with passive splitters and any latency concerns?

Jimi by Honored Guest
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duo 3d, open 3d sensor on kickstarter

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/codelabs/duo-the-worlds-first-diy-3d-sensor What do you guys think? Gotta say it looks pretty slick, and supposedly it gives you access to point cloud data, which the leap does not, making it more useful for develo...

aabel by Honored Guest
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Free-walking system?

Hey guys, I was wondering if there's any kind of free-walking system like Brantlew's Red Rovr out there or in the making?I'm not experienced enough to try and make my own and would looove to walk around in video games outside of my house, and show it...

Andersson by Honored Guest
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cancelling oculus rift order?

is it possible to cancel the rift order, since mine is quite far from being delivered and I did not realise the extra costs it is going to be such as VAT and duty costs?I no longer want the rift but im not sure if I can cancel the order or not? I did...

alagota92 by Honored Guest
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View/Projection Handedness Conversion

The LibOVR documentation, and of course the LibOVR library itself uses a right-handed projection matrix and a right-handed view matrix. However, my game uses D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH and D3DXMatrixLookAtLH to generate left-handed matrices. Which fu...

tlopes by Honored Guest
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Trivial Rift simulator for devs without kits?

Hello all,It's pretty straightforward to start working on a lot of the bits of code needed for a Rift application (SBS 3D, barrel distortion, etc), but there doesn't seem to be a good way to validate integration with the Rift data stream until you ac...

danielr2e by Honored Guest
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