PCVR/Link Development
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

Implementing In-App Purchase

I'm trying to implement in-app purchasing in a Rift app I'm developing in Unity and have followed the applicable guidelines here: developer[dot]oculus[dot]com/documentation/unity/ps-iap/ So far, I've successfully uploaded a .tsv file for the item I w...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Recent performance issues

Towards the end of December I was finishing up the intro of my VR game. The intro is just 5 minute ride introducing the story and environment they are about to experience in the actual game. It is built inside of UE4 (4.23). During the intro normal c...

My software isnt working

So i had the problem that i could not install the Oculus Software. I fixed it and now I can install it and can use it till it wants to check my sensors.So i install go to configurate and my whole pc crashes with the reason: "memory_management_" or "s...

hanimad by Explorer
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My Software is crashing while installing

Install 'Dawn.Setup.InstallFirewallRulesStep' succeeded.[Debug] [28.01.2020 00:01:41] Install 'Dawn.Setup.InstallUninstallerStep' succeeded.[Debug] [28.01.2020 00:01:41] Extracting asset 'Oculus.ico'.[Debug] [28.01.2020 00:01:41] Install 'Dawn.Setup....

hanimad by Explorer
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Rift not connecting

Hey,so my Rift stopped working. And it worked perfectly for the last month or so. Its showing as not connected and on the headset there is orange light.I hadn´t changed anything on my PC, except Oculus app auto updates.I tried reinstalling Oculus app...

Peecha by Explorer
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Legality of enterprise, and runtime?

We would like to use the Rift SEnterprise with Enscape, Lumion, IrisVR, Autodesk Live, etc. to view ourdesigns in VR with the design team as well as clients. These programs allconnect to the Oculus through the Oculus Runtime. The runtime still shows ...

ProGroup by Honored Guest
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C++ asw::exceptions on library initialization

I've had native Oculus support in my project for quite some time, and things are working just fine. However, after upgrading to Windows 10 Pro, I've noticed that during the Oculus library initialization in my engine there are a dozen or so exceptions...

sbdykes by Protege
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Oculus RIFT S

Hello! I have tried everything! I have bought every usb hub posible I have done the device manager thing .I have done the power management thing with disabling and I have restarted it . Tried rebooting oculus and also reinstalled oculus app. I have a...

WebVr development

Hello,I'm trying to develop some vr visualization with hotspots to launch videos, display text and images in an Oculus like Krpano software.I need to display it on the web, I tried with firefox, it works for 1 day and now when I try to use the helmet...

iom44 by Honored Guest
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Updates being forced

With the vast number of updates and anomalies created from them, is there some way to prevent auto updates so they can be done in a more intentional and planned way? Can you pragmatically force updates behind the scenes? These updates are creating ma...

Whats my next video card?

Ok. Christmas is over, and I got my Quest (to add to my DK1, CV1, GO, Gear VR, Rift, Rift S). My GTX 1070 has served me very well, but I think I'll start looking at upgrading my graphics card next, and I was looking to get a few of you experts to giv...

Oculus Rift S, implementing AR

Hello, I'm using Oculus Rift S, and I have a question implementing AR environment in Unity.Is there any method to show the environment around user on Oculus Rift S screen, and render VR objects on it?I would be happy if I can get raw image data of fr...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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ovrInputState issue with Touch

Hi,I am trying to get the button state with the code on the documentation :if (OVR_SUCCESS(ovr_GetInputState(this->session_, ovrControllerType_RTouch, &RtouchinputState))) { std::cout << "last update Rtouch : " << RtouchinputState.TimeInSeconds << st...

Dwaari by Honored Guest
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Beta Release Channel of The Days After

We'dlike to invite any interested Oculus Devs to try out our demo of TheDays After . Weare super excited to finally get our game in a state where we canshare it with others. It has been a long road for us to get here asit's only two of us working on ...

Oculus Rift S Black Screen on Initial Setup

My Oculus arrived yesterday and while I was going through the set up process I cannot get past the "Continue Set up in VR" Screen shows nothing in the headset just darkness but the sound works fine.When I skipped the process and tried to play a game ...

Access Performance Statistics via shared memory?

Hi,Is it possible to access the performance statistics as shown in the "Performance Head-Up Display" via something like shared memory? I'm building a telemetry application for a race game and want to include these statistics.Best regards,Maarten Bakk...

MaartenJB by Honored Guest
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Hi,I've been reading the Oculus SDK documentation and the following caught my eye :"Unlike stereo TVs, rendering inside of the Rift does not require off-axis or asymmetric projection."Looking at the projection matrix formulation (essentially a pre an...

vaspoul by Honored Guest
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Quest Avatars appear only skin colored.

In Oculus Integration 1.39, we noticed an issue with Avatars on Quest. The entire Avatar is rendering as skin color with some strange artifacts. It appears as if the UV maps have been messed up on the Avatar textures. I can confirm the Oculus Avatar ...

Frame drops with %56 performance headroom

I'm rendering a frame using a custom renderer using DX12, which takes around 5 ms in total for both eyes, so it should be quite comfortable to maintain 90 FPS.Yet, I get these annoying dropped frames every 200 to 400 frames to 87.2 FPS, sometimes 84 ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Oculus Rift S Black Screen on Initial Setup

My Oculus arrived yesterday and while I was going through the set up process I cannot get past the "Continue Set up in VR" Screen shows nothing in the headset just darkness but the sound works fine.When I skipped the process and tried to play a game ...
