PCVR/Link Development
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Forum Posts

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum!

Welcome to the Meta Developer Forum! This is a community-driven space where you can share insights, ask questions, and address challenges with fellow developers. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful environment where everyone can learn f...

Render Text to a HUD

I'm trying to write text to the occulus Rift Display. The closest sample I've seen is the occulus tiny room (locomotion) example which is very in depth. I've managed to create two layers.Layer 0 contains my 3D worldLayer 1 contains a bitmap that I've...

How can i check if primaryhandtrigger is pressed?

Hello everyone,Me and some friends are developing a new VR game where we are currently making a vr character enabled to use guns that he has on his body.So far it works well, but the primaryindextrigger is a bit sketchy. So my question it, do you fol...

GoSlapPC by Honored Guest
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SDK OpenGL samples

Hi, Is the TinyRoom OpenGL sample up-to-date for SDK 1.24? I'm updating my LWJGL3 example, and want to make sure it reflects best practice, especially since I noticed a lot of changes with regard to handling the eye pose.Also is that the only OpenGL ...

How To Disable Eye To Neck Distance in Unity

Hello,i am using the OVRCameraRig in my Avatar, but on rotating the oculus the Left/Center/RightAnchor is rotating around some invisible neck anchor in a very strange way. I've tried to Disable Personalized Rendering For This Eye Position in the Ocul...

JohnDe by Honored Guest
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How to save the head position data?

Hello, I'm working on a university project and I would like to know how can I save the position data of the oculus. I'm working on an app on Blend4web, and can add a script in it (even though I know very little about coding). The data are needed to a...

Beta Release Channel Cap

We're planning to launch a beta soon and hope to invite a large number of our users to test our application. Unfortunately, as each channel supports only 100 users, we are predicting issues and increased overhead with managing users and builds across...

Reference mesh for Oculus sensors

Hello,I'd like to display the tracking sensors within the game, as a visual cue for players to reorient themselves.Are there reference meshes available for download somewhere that I could use to model the sensors from?Thanks,Julien

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Mirroring options

Hello,I am developing a game for Windows with DirectX and OculusVR support.Now, I want to display the content of the HMD on my desktop monitor. Therefore I create a MirrorTexture by ovr_CreateMirrorTextureDX.Certainly the mirror displays both the lef...

Simulate Rift disconnection

Is there an approved way of doing this in software? I'd like to be able to test builds as regular Windows apps as well as test in Unity without always having to use the headset (using mouse control of camera). I've tried closing the Rift home app and...

Oculus support for cross platform Godot game engine

Hi all,First post for me on this forum, hope I'm in the right place. I've been working on adding VR support to the open source game engine called Godot (https://godotengine.org/). Recently all of the core work was merged into the master branch of the...

Mux213 by Explorer
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Oculus media player for CV1

I presume there will be an Oculus cinema/media player for CV1. I don't want to rely on cinema app developers who are dropping like flies - LVR, VRPlayer, MaxVR, VCLPlayer, KaleidoPlayer… these applications simply don't work in direct mode or latest r...
