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Honored Guest
165 REPLIES 165


"enilcleahcim" wrote:
Also, instead of editing and correcting it, I'd just like to wonder out loud why my fingers and brain put the word "crossovers" where the word "cosplayers" was supposed to go. I didn't give the executive go ahead for that.

I have a lot of that going on these days myself, causing high edit counts in many of my posts. I think a word, and my fingers begin typing that word but somewhere after the first letter fall into the wrong muscle rhythm pattern, spitting out the wrong word. Spell checkers do not detect a correctly spelled WRONG word. This problem began for me about two years ago, and I hope to find some food supplement to reverse the symptoms of what I call "typophrenia".

I sometimes wonder how others can even understand some of my posts, littered with strange word substitutions. A common error types "which" when I told my fingers to type "what", but it happens with much longer words too (usually the same number of syllables, and the same starting letter, just like your word substitution).

If you find a cure for your typophrenic affliction, please share it with me.


Honored Guest

Honored Guest

Expert Protege
You certainly could have a smartwatch/phone/etc display a fiducial marker on its screen, which would let you track it pretty accurately. Then, with some difficulty, you could fuse that with the IMU in the watch to get it to be fairly responsive.

Still, those phone cameras don't have great FOV. You would only be able to track it with it is pretty much right in front of your face. Lower it below shoulder level and its gone.

Not applicable

cegli said:

Decoupled head and body causes me terrible nausea and is very disorienting. It's like that for a lot of people that try the rift. Also, it's a real pain to keep track of your body. I can never figure out where it is, unless there is an arrow pointing it out like in JumpmanVR.

In the future, I imagine we will want an option for torso controlled steering. Put a STEM tracker on your chest, and you always walk in that direction. Even then, I think many people will want head controlled steering for nausea mitigation and ease of use.

I'm the opposite, I like the tank option better, its the look and body turn that causes me that vertigo car sick feel. I want to walk straight and glance to the left or right but when the game decides to move the direction I am looking. Blah, motion sickness galore. I hope future games offer both options so I don't have to suffer because some company thought they found one way better then the other.