Hi, How to remove a specific leaderboard entry with Unity or with the Oculus Developer Dashboard ? When making a highscore, user can choose 3 lettres to customize his score (like ABC, MAD etc...). These letters are shown beside the player's score.
What if the player enters an offensive combinaison ? How to remove his score, or delete specific informations ?
With WriteEntry, I can only change my own ID score entry. Is there a function somewhere I did not find ? Thank you. Unity v2017.2.0f3, Oculus Utilities v1.18.1, OVRPlugin v1.18.1, SDK v0.0.0.
Thank you Imperativity. The problem is that I don't understand this language, I use Unity. Your documentation looks like terminal commands I guess.
If not possible, I will search how to do this in PHP, but before I try, can you tell me if $APP_ACCESSTOKEN is what is called APP SECRET in the dashboard ?
Yet, the main question remains opened for Unity development.