Hi, I am building a social VR application using Oculus (rift) Platform. I occasionally gets the error: OVR76444553 in the message returned by the callback of OnComplete of of IsUserEntitledToApplication(). The error doesn't seem to have a consistent cause as the same user sometimes passes the entitlement check and sometimes does not.
Here is how I set up my development environment:
Added Oculus rift app id in OculusPlatformSettings.
Added Oculus rift app id in OvrAvatarSettings
Added user in my build channel in Oculus Dashboard.
User accepted my invite to be on the channel and they installed my app.
User logged in on the Oculus desktop app.
Oculus desktop app -> settings -> general -> Unknown sources is allowed.
User sometimes passes the entitlement check and sometimes not.
When I tried to debug the issue when user fails entitlement I get msg.IsError is true. I also noticed when user fails entitlement my app in Oculus desktop app library doesn't get picked up by Unity (It doesn't automatically get played when running play mode in Unity editor).
Here is an example on when entitlement check passes: