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Parties: incomplete API implementation for Unity ?

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As i'm developing a social app, i currently use the app level VOIP which works strictly P2P and has to connect each participating user with each other user, which is pretty cumbersome and not very efficient. So i started to investigate the System VOIP, which is used when one starts a party with another user. Via  Oculus rooms i successfully implemented CAL ( coordinated launch ) already for my app, and System Voip (which gets started outside of my app, via Parties )seems to work far better .
So i further investigated the Parties interface provided by the Platform SDK and noticed that the Unity integration lacks large portions of it  ( eg. to Create, join or leave a party, or to invite others to a Party ) . Only method exposed to unity directly is Parties.GetCurrent()
But the CAPI itself provides the missing functionality, and quick tests show that they are indeed working ( i completed the missing functionality in the otherwise limited Parties Class provided for Unity )
Is there a reason for this being incomplete ? Is Parties going to be deprecated ? Hidden from us developers ?
Or is it simply a matter of not stable/complete or finished already, but going to be in the future ?

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Thanks imperativity
Just for completeness, i was too quick posting that the CAPI exposed methods are working ( still can't say whether they are working or not ). As further on while testing i found that the corresponding message definitions to process the Party API related notification messages are missing too, thus using those (asynchronous) party related CAPI methods just lead to errors about not being able to process that type of messages ( which contain Partiy ID ) etc... Seeing this i did'nt investigate any further, as i  think i would have to complete the whole missing messages/requests code in the platform API too ...