Hi, Can someone please tell me when the callback set by 'Oculus.Platform.Rooms.SetUpdateNotificationCallback' is called? I am setting it at startup but it doesn't seem to be getting called when users join the room or the metadata gets set.
Err, you are right, sorry I was thinking about Rooms.SetRoomInviteNotificationCallback. You do want Rooms.SetUpdateNotificationCallback(RoomUpdateCallback). Are you subscribing to updates when joining the room: Rooms.Join(roomID, true).OnComplete(JoinRoomCallback)?
Hey biowolves. Coincidentally I came across this last week and sent in a diff to try and improve the documentation here. This callback is for when the application launched because the User accepted an invite notification. A more descriptive name might be SetApplicationLaunchedFromInviteCallback. To check for active Room invites while in-app, you'll need to poll using Notifications.GetRoomInvites.
Err, you are right, sorry I was thinking about Rooms.SetRoomInviteNotificationCallback. You do want Rooms.SetUpdateNotificationCallback(RoomUpdateCallback). Are you subscribing to updates when joining the room: Rooms.Join(roomID, true).OnComplete(JoinRoomCallback)?
Thanks Charles that was the problem but wasn't on the joining it was on the creating of the lobby. Also the host doesn't get an update notification on the rooms data changing but just set the callback for setting the call to set the data to trigger a room update manually. Thanks for the quick replay Charles 🙂